Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The beach descriptive essay Essay Example for Free

The beach descriptive essay Essay The look of glee on people faces is the look that you might expect from a child on Christmas day. Why this look? They are on the most amazing place on earth truly it’s a gift from God Himself the â€Å"beach†. The beach is a quiet and peaceful place but at the same time it can be so noisy because the number of people that are on this beach is as if the new iphone 5 is being sold. You just have to allow yourself to become that carefree kid again and let go. As I look out to sea I hear and see the waves crashing down so eager to get to the shore line and I think how can something so beautiful be so deadly at the same time? I am completely unaware of my surroundings as I am lost deep in thought. I hear nothing. Then I am taken aback by the sound of a child’s pure laughter a sound that you would only expect to hear from a child but wait! It’s not a sound of one child laughter it’s a sound of a whole family completely care free and undaunted by the problem they have, for now the biggest problem they have is who’s sand castle is the best. All they want to do is enjoy these memories in the making and have fun. If you are not careful you might let go of you worries and fear and become a child again. On this sunny beach the hot sand is messed up from people walking on it, making sand castles, hand prints from little kids who are so eager to get themselves messy and my personal favorite foot prints in the sand from big and little kids all alike. I look at the sand as I am walking and I realize just how many sand dollars, seashells and rocks are hidden in the sand just barely visual to a wandering eye. It is like they are playing a game of peek-a-boo with you, not wanting to be caught but also not wanting to be unaware of their surroundings. Read Also:  Good Descriptive Essay Topic

Monday, January 20, 2020

Family Practice: Summary :: essays research papers

Family Practice: Summary The American family today, has the same problems that the American family of yesterday had. Daniel A. Sugarman, a psychologist in "Family Practice" introduces us to several case studies that seem to be the main nucleus of family problems today. He has put together a system called "Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home," in which he describes seven different problems within our American households today that can cause daily emotional and physical pain within the family structure. The Seven case studies are based on children's values that are driven by their parents emotions. "Giving up the myth of the perfect Family," is the starting point. This is where the parents low self esteem is driven into their child. The next step, "Tell it like you feel It," describes how families should share their feelings and not hold them in. After that comes, "Don't play telephone", this is where a third person is used to communicate between two parties. Another step is, "Make your blueprints Flexible," you should not pre-plan your child's life for them. Then he goes into the next step, which is about Contracts called, "Learn to use contracts." With this step the family makes contracts with one another and then monitors and up dates them so often. This helps with everybody holding to their end of the deal when it comes to the family issues. One of the worst steps of all is, "Stop the "Good Guy-"Bad Guy, " routine. I feel that having someone to blame for every problem that arises can devastate a child. Parents need to think about what they are going to say before they say it. The last step is, "Get rid of old emotional Baggage," I have personal experience in this category. I had a hard time in letting go of the old when trying to start new. These seven steps that Dr. Sugarman has came up with are great ideas in dealing with Family problems. Family Practice: Summary :: essays research papers Family Practice: Summary The American family today, has the same problems that the American family of yesterday had. Daniel A. Sugarman, a psychologist in "Family Practice" introduces us to several case studies that seem to be the main nucleus of family problems today. He has put together a system called "Seven Ways to Keep the Peace at Home," in which he describes seven different problems within our American households today that can cause daily emotional and physical pain within the family structure. The Seven case studies are based on children's values that are driven by their parents emotions. "Giving up the myth of the perfect Family," is the starting point. This is where the parents low self esteem is driven into their child. The next step, "Tell it like you feel It," describes how families should share their feelings and not hold them in. After that comes, "Don't play telephone", this is where a third person is used to communicate between two parties. Another step is, "Make your blueprints Flexible," you should not pre-plan your child's life for them. Then he goes into the next step, which is about Contracts called, "Learn to use contracts." With this step the family makes contracts with one another and then monitors and up dates them so often. This helps with everybody holding to their end of the deal when it comes to the family issues. One of the worst steps of all is, "Stop the "Good Guy-"Bad Guy, " routine. I feel that having someone to blame for every problem that arises can devastate a child. Parents need to think about what they are going to say before they say it. The last step is, "Get rid of old emotional Baggage," I have personal experience in this category. I had a hard time in letting go of the old when trying to start new. These seven steps that Dr. Sugarman has came up with are great ideas in dealing with Family problems.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Approach

Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Approach Ambrose Bierce, the author of the short story â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† used his own life experiences to create successful and expressive writing. The time period in which Bierce lived had a significant influence on his writing. Bierce’s experiences fighting the front lines in the civil war are brought out in his writings and short stories. The historic time period, in which Bierce placed the setting of â€Å"Owl Creek Bridge†, is very significant and creates a successful historic approach.Bierce tells â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge† in the third person point of view. In turn the reader has limited knowledge and understanding of situations taking place. Bierce’s third person point of view, historical setting, and theme of death, brands â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† as a successful short story. The third person point of view affects the story in a number of ways. One sin ce the reader’s knowledge is limited; it is difficult to fully understand what the main character â€Å"Peyton Farquhar’s† is experiencing and the reasons behind his hanging.Bierce is the only person who knows how Peyton Farquhar thinks feels. Two, since he does not let the reader into the minds of the characters a sense of mystery is created. By the end of the story, Bierce seems both reliable and unreliable, he reveals that Farquhar is dead, but we also know that he imagined an escape. By introducing the reader to two different scenarios, Peyton being hung, and Peyton escaping into his wife’s arms, Bierce creates confusion for the reader. This third person approach enables Bierce’s story come to life and creates an interesting perspective.Bierce’s use of setting and historic time period in, â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge†, enables this story to be viewed time and time again. The Civil War relates back to our American roots, it is a piece of history that every American has learned about and is the reason why America is known as the â€Å"Land of the Free†. Incorporating American History into the setting of this story allows â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† to be passed on from one generation to the next. Peyton Farquhar, the main character, is a southern farmer who is pro- slavery and a Confederate during the 1800’s (200).Peyton got caught in his attempt to destroy Owl Creek Bridge in order stop Union soldiers from reaching his family and farmland (200). This action is led to the reason behind his hanging. Bierce’s use of historic time period creates a successful, and relatable story for all readers. Death, the dreaded thought, Bierce plays into the human instinct to fight or cheat death. Peyton’s imagination comes into play when he does not want to accept the fact that he is going to die. Even though he is standing there, seconds away from being hung, Peyton imagines himself escaping.The story itself centers on an alternate reality that Farquhar creates in his mind, while he's really hanging, with no heartbeat, just activity in his brain. The idea is that Farquhar creates an escape in his mind, seconds before he is actually dead. Bierce utilizes denial as an essential element in the story, by exploring the human desire to cheat death, and escape fate. Peyton Farquhar tries to do so by examining any get away in his mind, before actually doing anything. By showing that even though, he escaped in his mind, Bierce demonstrates that death is unavoidable no matter what one does to escape it.Though death is not unexpected for Farquhar, he is ultimately unable to accept it. â€Å"As he pushes open the gate and passes up the wide walk, he sees a flutter of female garments; his wife, looking fresh and cool and sweet, steps down from the veranda to meet him. At the bottom of the steps she stands waiting, with a smile of ineffable joy, an attitude of matchless grace and dignity†¦As he is about to clasp her he feels a stunning blow upon the back of the neck; a blinding white light blazes all about him with a sound like the shock of a cannon- then all is darkness and silence. (204). Rather than accepting his own fate, Peyton resists death by imagining an elaborate fantasy of an alternate fate. Ambrose Bierce’s incorporation of setting, point of view, and theme produces an illustrious short story for all readers. Bierce makes the story relatable to all humans in the fight to cheat death. Knowledge of the civil war gears the reader’s understanding behind the actions that are taking place. Third person point of view is an effective way to keep the reader guessing and hanging on a limb.In an instant the whole story comes together, all the confusion, reality versus fantasy comes clear in the last sentence, â€Å"Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the ti mbers of the Owl Creek Bridge† (Bierce, 204). The reader finds out Peyton is dead at the very last second of the story in an instant Peyton gives in and loses his battle against death. Work Cited Bierce, Ambrose. â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge. † Edgar V. Roberts. Writing About Literature. Brief 11th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2006. 251

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Marital Lessons from Ibsens a Dolls House Argumentative Essays

A marriage is a life time commitment between two people to share their lives and experiences as companions. In the least sense, this is what most people hope would happen when they commit to spent the rest of their lives together. It is a commitment and efforts between two people to be true to each other and support and love each other without any conditions whether in good times or bad times.   Though, there are many characteristics associated to marriage, I feel, three are most important and define what a good marriage is, and are, trust, respect, and communication. These characteristics lay the foundation for a successful marriage. With regard to these qualities, it is of my opinion that the marriage between Torvald and Nora in Ibsen are A Doll’s House does not meet the threshold of a good marriage. A Doll’s House which is a play by Henrik Ibsen is a good example of a marriage that didn’t work.   The major factors that contribute to a good marriage are clearly lacking from the play. Ibsen paints a gloomy picture of the sacrifices women undergo in marriages. Women of all economic classes continuously sacrifice their integrity but rarely do men do the same. The dehumanizing oppression and social struggle of women, especially those from middle class families can be clearly seen from the play. The play and   revolves around Torvald and Nora Helmer, who lives as husband and wife and the two are unable to enjoy marital bliss because their marriage is fraught with many problems. The marriage between the two did not have the requisite balance for it to be successful.   Qualities that make marriages work can only be cultivated if the relationship is based on love.   Even though that of the two was at first based on love, the case did to remain the same as the marriage progressed.   Nora was not truly loved by Torvald. To Torvald, Nora was just another child to mind.   This can be clearly seen from his statement when he says, â€Å"And I wouldnt want you to be any different from what you are-just my sweet little song bird. But now I come to think of it, you look rather-rather-how shall I put it? -rather as if youve been up to mischief today† (152).   It is clear that Torvald does not love his wife as seen from the disrespectful names like ‘squirrel’ and ‘spendthrift’ he uses to describe her.   Respect is a key factor in good marriages and by using these terms, it just shows how insensitive and disrespectful he was to wards his wife.   The way he managed his house is also a sign of his lack of love and respect. To him, he owned a doll house which was perfect according to his belief.   Even though the doll house initially belonged to his father in law, he got possession of its title deed after marrying Nora. He ensured that he maintained a firm control over the doll house by manipulating Nora and the children. His marriage was eventually ruined as a result of his overbearing attitude and lack of love. For a union between two people to be deemed successful, communication is a very essential component. One partner should not expect the other one to read their mind. Breakdown in communication can have grave implications on a marriage and it may end up breaking.   It is therefore necessary that couples share their thoughts, likes and dislikes as much as possible. For example, before the wife goes out to pay the water bill, the husband should be aware of the amount of money needed. In the same sense, it is good for a husband to inform his wife when he is going out to have beer or just entertainment in a club. In a good marriage, if one is informed by the partner of his or her intentions to borrow money to solve an issue at hand, the decision is fully supported and conflicts are reduced, but the possibility of this happening in Nora and Torvald’s marriage is unlikely since due to the stubbornness of Torvald when it comes to money. To Torvald, he is a powerful doll master and ca nnot allow himself to accept help form his dolls whom he viewed as unintelligent. It is clear that there is a lot of mistrust among the two as seen when Nora keeps secrets of debts from Torvald even though she came into debt after borrowing money which they used to go for a trip in Italy.   Torvald does also not respect his wife and treats her like a child when it comes to issues related to money.   The existence of mistrust works against them when the wife decides to leave him. If there had been proper communication between the two, conflicts would have been avoided but it can be seen that there was poor communication among the two, leading the wife to complain and say, â€Å"We have stayed together for eight years. Don’t you realize the it is high time the two of us sit together as man and wife and have a serious conversation regarding our lives† (224). Lack of communication builds mistrust in marriages and it is impossible for two people to stay together if they don’t trust each other.   If one partner feels like or she needs to constantly be checking on the other, the marriage is bound to fail, just it happened to Nora and Torvald. In conclusion, Ibsen’s play is a thoughtful analysis of the intricacies surrounding marriages and how marriages collapse as a result of factors that can be avoided.   A good marriage is one where two people love, respect each other and maintain a constant and genuine communication at all times. It is these ingredients that make couples enjoy their marriages to the fullest. These were missing from Nora and Torvald’s marriage and therefore it can be concluded that theirs was an example of a bad marriage. Work Cited: Isben, Henrik. The Doll House. Centennial Edition:   Signet Classics, 1879.